ask mark

ask me questions
i will read

blog away kids


  1. how much are you going to miss me at mcla!?

    lol and who are you going to share dumplings with when you go to choppies!?


  2. How do you plan on just becoming a Host when you graduate? You made it sound like you are going to graduate in May and start your show in June. Gayle had Oprah and she couldn’t get her show off the ground. Just wondering what your plans are and HOW you are going to accomplish them?

  3. Hi – Your right – you made me mad! You said you loved MCLA before you left – now you love being home. Make up your mind Reg! See you in a few weeks – hope we don’t get Strogg for English Lit. (uggg….)

  4. How come you didnt answer Monique – do Crocs hurt when you walk? How come you didn’t answer Nicole – do you have a thick enough skin to handle ‘real’ questions. You did seem a little upset on Blog 1 or 2.

    PS. I like the morning blogs – too bad you couldn’t do it daily and talk about current events. You would need a bigger cup though.

  5. Why are you making me ask you a question?

  6. Here are some questions (you can pretend these come from other people if you want.)

    1) Isn’t Scrabulous FABULOUS?

    2) We never see you anymore and you’re so busy. How come?

    3) How is student trustee going?

    4) How excited are you for Celebrity Detox?

    5) Have you been watching any of the new shows that have been premiering this past week? Do you have any you like?

    6) What do you think of the new ladies on The View?

  7. What is your favorite kind of ice cream?
    How many days until your wedding?
    If you had a day off where you could do anything (it doesnt matter how far away it is, or how much money it is. The sky is the limit!), what would it be and why?

  8. When will periogies be served in the caf. I WANT PERGIOGIES!

  9. Are you obsessed with me?

  10. Don’t you think people will catch on that you just asked your friends to ask you questions before the blog because they are all time stamped? (posing with hand on head and elbow up)

  11. yo reege
    so what does joni’s song have to do with the owlz/

  12. What is your favorite song of all time?
    How many children do you want?
    Whats your favorite animal?
    How much do you love popcorn? (Because I love it a lot.)
    What is your favorite non-reality tv show?

  13. Why do write such sad blogs then not tell us why? Who are you fueding with? Who are you done with?
    Who is not acting like an adult?

  14. If you could go out to eat with EITHER Regis or Elton John – who would you pick and why?

    Out of curiosity – what is your favorite type of restaurant anwyay?

  15. Hi Mark – Why did you choose Oklahoma to visit on Spring Break?

  16. How exciting did you think Oklahoma was going to be? Are you surprised it is flat and boring?

  17. What was your favorite state that you passed through on the ride down?

  18. where do I make the comments?

    I love the new web site – great colors!

  19. How are your grades?

  20. What are you plans for the summer then for after graduation? I don’t want to hear “going to be on TV” – I want exacts – are you going to try to live in Boston, NY, LA, etc…. – where are you going to send your resumes.

  21. How far would you travel for the perfect Woopie Pie? How about the perfect slice of carrot cake? (I would go an hour)

  22. Didi you ever have lunch with the president? If so – what did you eat?

  23. Do you still wear crocks?
    Is Jade a growing up friend or a college friend?
    How is your bro in the national guard doing?
    Do you have a roomate at MCLA or a single room?
    What do you think of the newset season on Kathy Griffen – I can’t place it but I don’t like it as much – don’t know why?

    Just Wondering.

  24. What is your favortite Olympic event? I felt so bad when Alicia fell then fell again – oopsie.

    Do you stay up till midnight or Tivo it?

    If you stay up – how do you get up in the AM – do you work during the summer.

    Just wondering also.


  26. You seem to compare alot of things to the weather – have you ever thought of a career as a meteorologist – then you would be in front of the camera! Everyone loves the weatherman.

    Just a thought.

  27. Hi – Did you hear about Rosies new variety show?

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